Happy New Years

Well it seems bento can do it if we try. So we release 2 chapters around christmas and now another 2 on new years. Yay~ though in all honesty we should have released all 4 on christmas, but i was slacking with amai, and Ccrados didn’t finish the chapter of stab till around 2 days back.

Well I hope everybody enjoys the time with their family and friends, if they do something on new years. Well if you are like me and anti-social, why not enjoy these chapters then?

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Also here is an image from Ccrados:

Happy New Years


P.S. New Years for me is still around 10 hours away

P.P.S. I added the 1 missing page for chapter 25.

Hm… Happy Holidays(?)

Well instead of releasing the chapters when I was on computer today I gamed and am releasing it 10 minutes past midnight (12/26) my time. Well either way, I hope everybody enjoyed their time with family, friends, or alone if you prefer it that way. And enjoy our releases.

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P.S. I am around halfway done with amai 26, and stab 15 may be done soon as well (within the week). So Bento may have some releases for New Years as well.


Well Bento gained a new Proofreader/Typesetter, whom I forced to “clean” S.T.A.B. as he she worked. Yay to making somebody else do work for me~

Well I still had to “redraw” and QC it, so i not have him her do it alone. Either way, enjoy the release.

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I must start asking genders of the staff. And sorry Ccrados…

STAB 12 Release

College and my gaming habits are bad for scanlations… Also I recently started helping out another group >.<

The first chapter for there is still being checked, but when it is fully done i will say what it is.

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Enjoy chapter either way.
And yes that title is a mouth full.